Ministry Leader: Eugene Bailey
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-855-6296
The Sunday school is one the teaching arms of the church. We begin at 9:00 a.m. There we engage in the study of the Word of God. There are classes for all ages.
Ministry Leader: Nakita Taylor
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-495-0112
The ministry is designed for those young people between ages 18-45. They have activities that include singing, mentoring and fellowship.
The ministry was designed to include the age group where in many times are missing in many ministries.
Providing a quality worship experience for children 8th grade and under
At First Mt Carmel Baptist Church, we offer congregants of all ages a chance to give back by joining our wide range of ministries. Our Children Nursery allows current members or newcomers to be involved with our ongoing mission of spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ to our ever-growing community. Giving back is ingrained into our philosophy and it’s at the root of our very being.
Ministry Leader: Tameria Perry
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-495-0112
The 2N1 Ministry is a combination of the Children and Youth Ministries. The 2N1 mission is to reach students who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior and disciples student who are believers. Weekly bible study classes are provided for children in elementary through high school. The ministry does community service, missions, plays and also fun events. Student are invited to come and take part and hear how the Gospel forever changes lives.
Praise the Lord through Music
Since 2000, First Mt Carmel Baptist Church has provided the community with all the tools, wisdom, and resources they need to keep them grounded. Our Ministry Bible Study was established with an aim to offer congregants the chance to give back to the community. Each of our ministries is as strong as a family and bring congregants closer together.
Usher Ministry Leader: Gertrude Dorsey
Junior Ushers Ministry Leader: Gertrude Cummings
Junior Ushers Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-541-1867
The ushers are to greet worshipers with a smile as they enter the sanctuary. They assist with keeping order during worship service. The ushers welcome visitors and ensure that they feel at home while worshipping with us.
The Junior Ushers help in every way possible to make the worship experience so rewarding and fulfilling that each will always want to come again. The Junior Usher's Ministry ushers every 2nd and 4th Sunday during regular worship services.
Ministry Leader: Kenneth Wright
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-364-8271
This ministry controls the audio and video production through out service and church events.
Ministry Leader: Tina Germany
The Culinary Ministry organizes and coordinates meals for
events held at the church.
Ministry Leader: Becky Brickhouse
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-339-1480
This First Mt. Carmel's Van Ministry is an important and rewarding ministry for the church as an extension of the church into the community. The Ministry is dedicated to providing transportation to and from church and other activities of the church for members who would otherwise be unable to have fellowship and attend the activities and worship services of our church.
Through the grace of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, First Mt. Carmel strives to be active in our changing world by ministering to all God's people. In our Van Ministries our goal is to have a safe and a positive experience for all participants and drivers and to experience God's love.
Ministry Leader: Tina Smith
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-564-2181
The ministry is responsible for counting the tithe and offerings each Sunday.
Ministry Leader: Shanthony Paschal
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-541-0713
The dance ministry is designed to express love for God through creative dance and praise. Dance is another expression to God for how grateful we are for his grace and goodness.
There are praise teams for all ages.
Ministry Leader: Brenda Wright
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-840-2982
The Mission in Action Ministry has the focus of mission work. The MIA Ministry spreads the good will of God beyond the walls of our building. Missions are hands on efforts that demonstrate the Master's call for us to be active in the world in which we live.
Ministry Leader: Vernon Thomas
Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-541-0570
The Pastor's Support Ministry lovingly serves our Pastor and his family through prayer, encouragement and good deeds. The members of this ministry have the desire to serve as they give support to the Pastor. This group meets monthly to determine their direction and possible special needs of the pastor.
The singles ministry aims to provide fun events for singles in the church to parties
Ministry Leader: James Few
This ministry is designed to mentor and meet the needs of young men. The mentors are committed to gaining a rapport with the young men of the church who are eighteen years old and younger.
This ministry's aim is to give guidance and instruction to the young men just as Paul did to young Timothy.
Ministry Leader: Winston Crawford
The Trustee Ministry is responsible for the church's property maintenance, approving expenses, providing financials reports. This ministry is to provide good stewardship of church finances.
Deacon Ministry Leader: Charlie Crawford
Deacon Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-595-4271
Deaconess Ministry Leader: Henrietta Smith
Deaconess Ministry Contact: | PHONE: 706-736-2865
The Deacon's ministry is a biblical office of the church. This ministry is developed to help the pastor with the day to day events in the life of the membership. The Deacons each have an area to serve determined by geographic area of the deacon and members. They are servants, expected to meet the needs of the membership. The deacon must love God, His word, be in tuned to the pastor's vision and be willing to follow the mandates of scripture in terms of conduct and demeanor as a child of God.
The deaconess' assist the Deacons as they serve in respective locations in the community. These women exemplify wisdom and serve as role models to the young ladies of the church.